Now of course this doesn?t matter at all if you are looking for something pleasing to the eye, and don?t mind answering the inevitable question 'Does it tell the time?' But if you?d like your sundial to be more useful, make sure you ...
Per ridurre il numero dei consiglieri delle pubbliche amministrazioni si pu? aspettare il 2008 e ?poi ? chiss? ? anche oltre, ma l'estate, tempo di vacanze ? per chi se lo pu? ancora permettere ? ? la stagione ideale per rincarare i .... conducono inevi-tabilmente al razzismo. Siamo per l'accoglienza e la pari cittadinanza delle persone migranti?, e per ? la valorizzazione delle differenze di genere e di orientamento sessuale?, etc. Come negare questi principi generali? ...
They may well be highly intelligent and fully aware of the inevi?table results but nevertheless they still succumb to their weaknesses. However, around the time you were getting regularly busted you were openly contemptuous of your predicament, going so far as to ... As quite a number of people drop by your hotel room in each town you visit, isn't there a chance that you could be set up for a possible bust? Those kinda things are set up at a much higher level than that. ...